NanoTemper 官方博客

How to be confident your biocatalyst can withstand harsh conditions

2 min read
十一月 13, 2018
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The ‘great-taste’ of your favorite beer as well as the ‘boosting power’ of your laundry detergent are consequences of enzymes. Biocatalysts are a class of enzymes that speed up chemical reactions dramatically and thus have largely been exploited in several industrial processes. In order for these proteins to do their job effectively, they must be stable enough to withstand the harsh conditions they’re subjected to, including high temperatures, extreme pH values and the presence of organic co-solvents. Therefore, identifying and then optimizing more stable and efficient candidates is key to continuing to improve and further exploit the utility of biocatalysts.

Integrating a high-throughput technology to monitor protein stability can make a big difference in identifying new biocatalyst candidates. Screening allows you to not only to speed up the search for the most stable candidates among large libraries but also to simultaneously test a wide variety of conditions to find the perfect one for your enzyme’s needs.

In this on-demand webinar you will learn how the Prometheus NT.48 can:

  • More efficiently screen biocatalysts by characterizing their stability in a high-throughput format
  • Quickly find the reaction conditions that are best suited for your biocatalyst of interest
  • Characterize thermal and chemical stability directly on cell lysates with no tedious protein purification needed

When screening for biocatalysts, consider examining protein stability early on when searching for identifying potential candidates. Next time you are taking a break with a nice cold beer, raise a toast to PR (Prometheus), the system that can screen and precisely identify minute changes that influence the stability of a protein. It could be your next solution to screen for the next novel biocatalysts.

Watch the on-demand webinar now.