We love to see what experiments you, our customers, are doing with our innovative instruments. That is why we routinely search for new publications that feature MST and 微量差示扫描荧光技术(nanoDSF) data. Interestingly, the MST/nanoDSF publication trend over years resembles a bacterial growth curve: after a very short lag-phase, we are now in the log-phase. Currently, there are over 1,000 publications with MST and nanoDSF data, of which 300 were published in 2016 – and the year is not over yet!
We also looked at journal impact factor (JIF) and were pleased to see an increasing number of publications in high-impact journals (HIF), such as Cell, Nature and Science.
Next time you submit a manuscript, make sure to include MST or nanoDSF data to support your research!