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Ultra-high resolution in thermal unfolding deciphers the stability of individual antibody domains

1 min read
二月 6, 2015

The nanoDSF method employed by the Prometheus NT.48 delivers highest quality unfolding data for antibody buffer screening campaigns. The high-resolution of the thermal unfolding curves is instrumental for biophysical characterization of antibodies since the effects of buffers, excipients or even covalent modifications can easily be assigned to distinct antibody domains.

Due to the high precision and resolution, nanoDSF poses an attractive alternative to differential scanning calorimetry experiments, which also deliver high resolution unfolding data but require a significantly larger amount of protein and time for sample preparation, as well as less throughput and a more limited concentration range.

Learn more about nanoDSF: Read our Application Note on Antibody Stability and join our free Webinar!

Order your Prometheus NT.48 Instrument before 三月 15, 2015, and benefit from our Early Access Program!