
为您的 Monolith 搭配合适的耗材和试剂盒


为用户提供最优质的产品是我们的首要任务。NanoTemper 在制造 MST 实验专用的高性能毛细管方面积累了丰富的经验。使用最好的设施,最严格的工艺制造,经过严格的测试,毛细管的品质已经达到诊断级别。我们的毛细管技术受专利保护,能够确保最高限度地降低对蛋白质的影响,体现了 NanoTemper 追求卓越品质的精神。
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MO 系列对照试剂盒

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Monolith NT.115 对照试剂盒(红色)
NanoTemper 推出 NT.115 对照试剂盒(红色),可用于检测配备有 Nano-GREEN/RED、Nano-BLUE/RED 或 Pico-RED 探测器的 MO 系列仪器的性能、或对第一次操作该系统的新用户进行培训。


Monolith NT.LabelFree 对照试剂盒
NanoTemper 推出 Monolith NT.LabelFree 对照试剂盒,可用于检测配备有 LabelFree 探测器的 MO 系列仪器的性能,或对第一次操作该系统的新用户进行培训。

Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kits

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Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit – Lysine-Reactive (Size L)

The Spectral shift Optimized Labeling Kits are designed to enhance the capabilities of Spectral shift systems, these kits deliver faster labeling, higher dye affinities, and up to 3 times less sample consumption This advanced, Lysine-reactive kit offers a rapid and efficient method for covalently labeling primary amines, particularly lysine residues It contains all required reagents for labeling and dye removal. The dye carries a reactive NHS-ester group that reacts with primary amines (lysine residues) to form a covalent bond. The kit is optimized for proteins with a molecular weight higher than 5 kDa and concentrations between 2 and 20 µM

The kit contains material sufficient for 4 independent labeling reactions.



Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit – Cysteine-Reactive (Size L)

The Spectral shift Optimized Labeling Kits are designed to enhance the capabilities of Spectral shift systems, these kits deliver faster labeling, higher dye affinities, and up to 3 times less sample consumption This advanced, Cysteine-reactive kit offers a rapid and efficient method for covalently labeling thiols, particularly cysteine residues.

The kit is optimized for labeling and purification of proteins with a molecular weight higher than 5 kDa.

The kit contains material sufficient for 4 independent labeling reactions.



Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit – For His-Tag (Size M)

The Spectral shift Optimized Labeling Kits are designed to enhance the capabilities of Spectral shift systems, these kits deliver faster labeling, higher dye affinities, and up to 3 times less sample consumption  This kit provides convenient means for the site-specific, purification-free labeling of small amounts of His-tagged Proteins.
It can be used for the labeling of any protein or peptide carrying a polyhistidine-tag (His-tag) which contain at least six histidines with a Kd in the single digit nanomolar range.

The kit contains material sufficient for 500 data points.



Spectral Shift Optimized Protein Labeling Kit – For His-Tag (Size L)

The Spectral shift Optimized Labeling Kits are designed to enhance the capabilities of Spectral shift systems, these kits deliver faster labeling, higher dye affinities, and up to 3 times less sample consumption

This kit provides convenient means for the site-specific, purification-free labeling of small amounts of His-tagged Proteins.
It can be used for the labeling of any protein or peptide carrying a polyhistidine-tag (His-tag) which contain at least six histidines with a Kd in the single digit nanomolar range. The kit contains material sufficient for 4,000 data points.


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RED-NHS 蛋白标记试剂盒(氨基标记 RED Channel)
The Monolith Protein Labeling Kit RED-NHS 2nd Generation kit increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. It contains all required reagents for labeling and dye removal. The dye carries a reactive NHS-ester group that reacts with primary amines (lysine residues) to form a covalent bond. The kit is optimized for proteins with a molecular weight higher than 5 kDa and concentrations between 2 and 20 µM. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments.


RED-MALEIMIDE 蛋白标记试剂盒(半胱氨酸标记 RED Channel)
The Monolith Protein Labeling Kit RED-MALEIMIDE 2nd Generation kit increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. It contains all required reagents for labeling and dye removal. The dye carries a reactive maleimide group that reacts with cysteine residues to form a covalent bond. The kit is optimized for proteins with a molecular weight higher than 5 kDa and concentrations between 2 and 20 µM. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments.


His-Tag 蛋白标记试剂盒(His-Tag 标记 RED Channel)
The Monolith His-Tag Labeling Kit RED-tris-NTA 2nd Generation kit increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. The kit is used for site-specific and purification-free labeling of His-tagged (6xHis) proteins and peptides. The kit can be used with purified as well as crude samples (e.g. cell lysate) and contains material sufficient for 500 single-point MST measurements. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments.


RED-SNAP-Tag® 标记试剂盒(第二代)
The SNAP-Tag® Labeling Kit RED 2nd Generation contains all required reagents for labeling and dye removal. The dye carries a benzylguanine group that reacts with the SNAP-tag® of your protein of interest to form a covalent bond. The kit is optimized for protein concentrations of 10 µM. Just like all of our 2nd Generation labeling kits, it increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments. Contents require storage at 4 °C and -20 °C.


大容量 RED-NHS 二代蛋白标记试剂盒 (氨基标记)
This Large Volume Protein Labeling Kit RED-NHS 2nd Generation kit increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. It contains all required reagents for labeling and dye removal. The dye carries a reactive NHS-ester group that reacts with primary amines (lysine residues) to form a covalent bond. The kit is optimized for proteins with a molecular weight higher than 5 kDa and concentrations between 2 and 20 µM. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments. Contents require storage at 4 °C and -20 °C.


大容量 RED-MALEIMIDE 二代蛋白标记试剂盒 (半胱氨酸标记)
This Large Volume Protein Labeling Kit RED-MALEIMIDE 2nd Generation kit increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. It contains all required reagents for labeling and dye removal. The dye carries a reactive maleimide group that reacts with cysteine residues to form a covalent bond. The kit is optimized for proteins with a molecular weight higher than 5 kDa and concentrations between 2 and 20 µM. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments. Contents require storage at 4 °C and -20 °C.


大容量 RED-tris-NTA His-Tag 二代标记试剂盒
This Large Volume His-Tag Labeling Kit RED-tris-NTA 2nd Generation kit increases data quality and enables affinity studies with previously challenging targets by generating higher binding amplitudes and improved signal-to-noise ratios. The kit is used for site-specific and purification-free labeling of His-tagged (6xHis) proteins and peptides. The kit can be used with purified as well as crude samples (e.g. cell lysate) and contains material sufficient for 3840 single-point MST measurements. RED dyes are suited for Monolith instruments with a RED detector (Nano and Pico) and Dianthus instruments. Store at -20 °C.


Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit
The Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit is used for the site-directed labeling of any protein or peptide carrying one or multiple biotin tags. It contains material sufficient for labeling 500 single-point spectral shift measurements. The kit includes a protocol for labeling in 15 min with no removal of excess dye required. The Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit is suited for use with Monolith X and Dianthus with Spectral Shift. Contents require storage at -20 °C.


Large Volume Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit
The Large Volume Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit is used for the site-directed labeling of any protein or peptide carrying one or multiple biotin tags. It contains material sufficient for labeling 4,000 single-point spectral shift measurements. The kit includes a protocol for labeling in 15 min with no removal of excess dye required. The Large Volume Biotinylated Target Labeling Kit is suited for use with Monolith X and Dianthus with Spectral Shift. Contents require storage at -20 °C.


Small Volume Human Fc Labeling Kit
The Small Volume Human Fc Labeling Kit provides a convenient means for the site-specific, purification-free labeling of humanized antibodies or antibody fragments containing the Fc region with fluorescent dye optimized for affinity measurements done with Spectral Shift technology. The kit is used for the site-directed labeling of any protein carrying a Human Fc antibody region. It contains material sufficient for labeling for 500 single-point Spectral Shift measurements. The kit includes a protocol for labeling in <30 min; no removal of excess dye required. The Small Volume Human Fc Labeling Kit is suited for use with Monolith X and Dianthus with Spectral Shift. Contents require storage at -20 °C.


Large Volume Human Fc Labeling Kit
The Large Volume Human Fc Labeling Kit provides a convenient means for the site-specific, purification-free labeling of humanized antibodies or antibody fragments containing the Fc region with fluorescent dye optimized for affinity measurements done with Spectral Shift technology. The kit is used for the site-directed labeling of any protein carrying a Human Fc antibody region. It contains material sufficient for labeling for 4,000 single-point Spectral Shift measurements. The kit includes a protocol for labeling in <30 min; no removal of excess dye required. The Large Volume Human Fc Labeling Kit is suited for use with Monolith X and Dianthus with Spectral Shift. Contents require storage at -20 °C.

Buffer Exploration 试剂盒

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Buffer Exploration Kit 试剂盒
NanoTemper 推出 Buffer Exploration 试剂盒,方便您快速开发 MST 或 TRIC 实验方法,蛋白稳定性检测,以及蛋白纯化和保存的最佳缓冲液条件。试剂盒中的 96 孔板,每个孔中预添加了 1 mL 不同种类缓冲液,用于快速、系统确定最佳分析条件。


MO 小包装 Demo 试剂盒
NanoTemper 推出 MO 小包装试剂盒可用于一次完整的蛋白、多肽亲和力检测实验,包括 RED-NHS 及 RED-tris-NHS 第二代染料、染料去除试剂和 60 个高精度毛细管芯片。您可使用此试剂盒先进行预实验,之后再采购完整试剂盒。该试剂盒同样适用于样品数量不多的课题组购买。不同组分需要分别置于室温,4 °C 或 -20 °C 保存。

MO 系列毛细管

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Monolith NT.Automated 毛细管芯片
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,每盒含有 16 个 Monolith NT.Automated 毛细管芯片,适用于 NT.Automated 系统,可测量 384 个数据点。


Monolith NT.Automated 优化型毛细管芯片
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,内壁覆盖有高分子聚合物以防止样品吸附。每盒含有 16 个 MO NT.Automated 毛细管芯片,适用于 NT.Automated 系统,可测量 384 个数据点。该芯片适用于易吸附的样品。


Monolith NT.Automated LabelFree 优化型毛细管芯片
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,内壁覆盖有高分子聚合物以防止样品吸附,适用于 NT. Automated 系统中 LabelFree 实验。每盒含有 16 个优化型 MO NT.Automated 毛细管芯片,可测量 384 个数据点。该芯片适用于易吸附的样品。


Monolith NT.115 毛细管
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,适用于 MO NT.115 系列仪器。每盒含 1000 个毛细管。


Monolith NT.115 优化型毛细管
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,内壁覆盖有高分子聚合物以防止样品表面吸附。每盒含 200 个优化型毛细管。


Monolith NT.LabelFree 毛细管
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,适用于 Monolith NT.LabelFree 仪器。每盒含 200 个毛细管。


Monolith NT.LabelFree 优化型毛细管
特殊设计的高精度毛细管,内壁覆盖有高分子聚合物以防止样品表面吸附,适用于 Monolith NT.LabelFree 仪器。每盒含 200 个优化型毛细管。


适用于Monolith仪器的优化型毛细管组,内壁覆盖有高分子聚合物以防止样品吸附。包含两盒,每盒8个毛细管组,每个毛细管组有24根毛细管。必须搭配Monolith优化型毛细管组盖(货号: MO-T022)使用;不兼容MO NT.115仪器。


Monolith LabelFree优化型毛细管组
适用于Monolith LabelFree仪器的优化型毛细管组,内壁覆盖有高分子聚合物以防止样品表面吸附。包含两盒,每盒8个毛细管组,每个毛细管组有24根毛细管。必须搭配Monolith优化型毛细管组盖(货号: MO-T022)使用;不兼容MO NT.115仪器。

Monolith Accessories

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优化型毛细管托盘 Monolith NT.115 系列
毛细管托盘,适用于 Monolith NT.115、Monolith NT.115pico 等仪器。


优化型毛细管托盘 Monolith NT.LabelFree
毛细管托盘,适用于 Monolith NT. LabelFree 等仪器。


优化型毛细管托盘 Monolith
额外的毛细管托盘,用于装载样品的 Monolith 检测。


Capillary Chip (毛细管组)盖,搭配Monolith/Monolith LabelFree优化型Capillary Chips (毛细管组)使用。不兼容MO NT.115或MO NT.LabelFree仪器。


NanoTemper 推出毛细管芯片进样装置,可用于辅助从微孔板或单个离心管中向毛细管芯片加注样品。
Gradient spot

Need to order Monolith consumables?