DI系列百科 Ligand Category

Ligand Category

In DI.Screening Analysis software ligands are automatically assigned a category, depending on the data obtained for a particular ligand. The two main categories are Hits and Non-Binders that are assigned based on the Response Amplitude measured. However, data obtained by Dianthus instruments can contain other interesting information about a ligand. For example, if a ligand shows autofluorescence or induces target aggregation. Here are the ligand categories in Single-Dose Screening and Affinity Screening:

DI.Screening Analysis software shows a pie chart with the ligand categories on the summary page:

Single-Dose Screening
Main Category Sub-Category Determining factor Relevant Articles
Hit Response Quality

Response Amplitude

Area Response

Non-Binder Response Quality

Response Amplitude

Area Response

聚集 Aggregation Quality TRIC-trace
Auto-fluorescence Fluorescence Quality Initial Fluorescence

Ligand Autofluorescence

Inconclusive Scan Anomaly Well-Scan Quality Well Scans
Potential Hit Fluorescence Quality

Photobleaching Quality


Ligand-Induced Photobleaching

Not Reproducible
Inhomogenous Signal Inhomogeneity Quality Response Amplitude

Area Response

Main Category Sub-Category Determining factor Relevant Articles
Binder Binder Response Quality

Response Amplitude

Dose Response Curve

Weak Binder Response Quality

Response Amplitude

Dose Response Curve

Non-Binder Response Quality

Response Amplitude


聚集 Aggregation Quality TRIC-trace
Auto-fluorescence Fluorescence Quality

Initial Fluorescence

Ligand Autofluorescence

Inconclusive Scan Anomaly Well-Scan Quality Well Scans
Potential Hit Fluorescence Quality

Photobleaching Quality


Ligand-Induced Photobleaching

DI.Screening Analysis software shows a pie-chart with the ligand categories on the summary page:

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