DI系列百科 Well-Scan Quality

Well-Scan Quality

The NanoTemper Technologies software products DI.Control and DI.Screening Analysis are both able to automatically detect anomalies of Well Scans for X- and Y-Scans and display detected anomalies to the user. A well- scan anomaly is usually the result of either evaporation, Aggregation or Liquid Handling issues (i.e. air bubbles).

Quality Checks are used in NanoTemper Technologies software to make users aware of sample quality issues. They have an automatically assigned negative or positive value, depending on the sample quality, which can be overridden by the user if needed. The well-scan quality check is negative if the well scan indicates a well scan anomaly. In cases where well scans follow the normal pattern, the quality check is positive, meaning that the software did not detect a well scan anomaly. The quality check can be overridden as described in quality checks.

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