NanoTemper has discontinued Tycho as of January 1, 2023.
After a successful career helping scientists understand the quality of their proteins, Tycho is retiring. If you own one, here’s some information you need to know:
Tycho capillaries will continue to be available for purchase
Tycho.Cloud — the cloud-based software for data management and analysis — is no longer available
Application support is available should you need it, and your warranty or service contract currently in place will be honored until its expiration date
We will continue to service Tycho until December 31, 2027, or until service parts are no longer available, whichever comes first
Need to buy consumables? If you’re in Europe, the US, or Mexico, visit the online store. Otherwise, you can request a quote.
If you were interested in getting Tycho, we suggest you see Prometheus to learn about our solutions for protein stability, aggregation, and particle sizing characterization. Or contact a specialist for a Prometheus quote.