
微量热泳动技术 MST

MST 的原理是,当目标分子与配体相互作用时,与目标分子结合的荧光团周围的化学环境会发生变化,从而导致荧光强度的变化。在 MST 测量过程中,应用短暂而精确的激光诱导温度升高来放大与配体结合量相关的荧光强度变化。

MST 用于药物发现已有10多年的历史

微量热泳动(MST)是 NanoTemper 十多年前首创的一项技术,Monolith 仪器通过玻璃毛细管直接在靶标和配体混合物的溶液中测量亲和力。


  • 膜蛋白
  • 固有无序蛋白
  • DNA核酸适配体
  • 小分子片段

使用 MST 直接测量分子相互作用的强度

The affinity between two molecules tells you how tightly they bind to each other. Affinity measurements are reported as the affinity constant, equilibrium dissociation constant, or  Kd. The Kd and affinity are inversely related. The Kd value is related to the concentration of one of the binding partners and so the lower the Kd value — lower concentration expressed in molar values — the higher the affinity between the two molecules.

从事药物开发的科学家使用 MST 和 Spectral Shift 来解决具有挑战性的相互作用,功能全面,灵活应对不同类型的亲和力检测项目。



在 MST 检测中,用荧光团标记的分子称为靶标。另一个靶标分子——另一种蛋白质、核酸序列、小分子或片段化合物被称为配体。

To calculate the Kd, a constant amount of the fluorescently labeled target is mixed with a dilution series of a ligand. The recorded changes in fluorescence are plotted against the logarithmic ligand concentration to build a binding curve. The Kd is determined from the binding curve using the law of mass action.

此外,MST 还可为您提供有关配体诱导聚集的信息。聚集非常常见,特别是对于不溶性片段和具有疏水性基团的小分子,这通常是使用其他技术无法确定结合亲和力的原因。

tric-traces-with-kd graph with ligand concentration adn F sub norm
The dose-response curves are obtained by plotting the Fnorm values (the ratio between the fluorescence values after and prior to the laser activation) against the ligand concentration. The data is fitted with a dose-response model that describes the law of mass action.

将 MST 添加到 Monolith 中

Monolith_Front_Measuring view image instrument
Monolith 是一种生物物理工具,可以帮助您使用 MST 和 Spectral Shift 处理各种结合亲和力。 了解有关该仪器及其工作原理的更多信息。
Monolith_Front_Measuring view image instrument
Gradient spot
