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NanoTemper Workshop at IZB

April 11, 2024

IZB Martinsried, Germany

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Join scientists from your region to discuss your projects involving protein characterization and interaction analysis. Learn how to setup assays and perform measurements on the latest generation of the NanoTemper biophysical methods, and receive support for your experiments!

Workshop program and agenda

9:00 to 13:00
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  • 9:00 Welcome and introduction to NanoTemper Technologies
    Philipp Baaske, Co-Founder & CEO of NanoTemper
  • 9:15 Discover the Prometheus Panta
  • 10:00 Coffee break
  • 10:30 Discover the Monolith X
  • 11:15 Coffee break
  • 11:30 Featured presentation by CRELUX
    Dr. Moran Jerabek-Willemsen, Head of Biophysics & Screenings in WuXi Discovery Biology
  • 12:00 Networking and opportunity for Q&As

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April 11, 2024

IZB Martinsried, Germany

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