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Overcoming Barriers in Molecular Interaction & Protein Thermal Stability Characterization

December 13, 2023

Washington University
Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB) Room 401
St.Louis, Missouri

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Get the best results

Come join us to find out how NanoTemper Technologies helps researchers globally characterize any binding affinity and determine protein and viral vector colloidal and conformational stability for even the most difficult to characterize samples. See our binding affinity and thermal stability workhorses, the Monolith X and Prometheus Panta in-person and discuss getting a demo in your lab!

What you can expect

  • Learn how multiparameter and highly efficient thermal stability characterization offers unique insights into understanding your protein’s thermal stability profile bymonitoring protein unfolding and aggregation temperatures over a heat ramp and how in-solution, immobilization and mass independent affinity bindingcharacterization makes even the most challenging targets characterizable!

  • See the Monolith X and Prometheus Panta in-person for a live demonstration on the power of how Spectral Shift and Microscale Thermophoresis tackle binding affinity characterization together and how nanoDSF, DLS, SLS and back reflection recorded simultaneously gives unique insights into protein and viral vector conformational and colloidal stability.

  • Discuss the intricacies of your projects with our field applications team to see how our technologies have been used to help other scientists optimize similar studies.

Workshop program and agenda

11:30 am - 5:00pm
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  • 11:30 AM Prometheus Panta: Integrating nanoDSF, backreflection, DLS, and SLS data to get more information about your protein samples
  • 12:30 PM Lunch
  • 1:00 PM Find success with Monolith X
  • 2:00 PM Monolith and Prometheus Panta demonstration with data analysis and Q&A session

Who should attend

Scientists working in: structural biology, recombinant protein or viral vector clone or formulation development, vaccine development, small molecule development, HIT Validation, or HTS.


Scientists who are dedicating too much time and samples and getting incomplete noisy thermal stability data or who are characterizing binding affinity of difficult targets such as PROTACs, IDPs, or membrane proteins.

Register now

December 13, 2023
Washington University
Clinical Sciences Research Building (CSRB) Room 401
St.Louis, Missouri

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