The German Physical Society (DPG), the world’s largest organization of physicists whose previous presidents include great minds like Max Planck, Albert Einstein, and Hermann von Helmholtz, awarded the Technology Transfer Prize to NanoTemper Technologies.
This joint award recognizes the parties involved in the transfer of a technology from basic research to application in an outstanding way.
So let’s go back to the beginning!
In 2008 at Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich (LMU Munich), Stefan Duhr and Philipp Baaske founded MicroScale Thermophoresis (MST) and knew that this technology could help researchers develop better drugs faster. From there, NanoTemper Technologies was born.
Fast forward 10 years, NanoTemper Technologies now has over 150 employees with representation in 13 countries around the world. MST still remains the go-to technology to swiftly measure binding interactions using very little sample while giving you accurate results.
We’re very honored that the DPG has recognized NanoTemper Technologies along with the Center for NanoScience, Systems Biophysics, LMU Munich, the Contact Point for Research and Technology Transfer, and Spin-off Service, LMU Munich for MST’s growth since its early development and its ongoing impact in the field of drug development.
Read the article to learn more about the award.
Image source: DPG / Ove Arscholl