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Tycho named one of the Top 10 Innovations of 2018 by The Scientist

1 min read
Dec 5, 2018
Top 10 Innovations NanoTemper Tycho left view instrument image featured image

We’re thrilled that Tycho is named one of the winners in The Scientist’s Top 10 Innovations of 2018 contest. We’re even further honored that the panel of independent judges — who represent the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard and the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory — recognize Tycho’s contribution to assist researchers in doing better science.

“Each year The Scientist highlights both incremental steps and giant leaps in life-science technology through our Top 10 Innovations competition…this year’s crop of winners is yet another exciting peek into the future of biology.”  -Bob Grant, Editor-in-Chief, The Scientist.

Tycho is the first system ever to quickly evaluate sample quality by monitoring a protein’s structural integrity or foldedness using a tiny amount of material. It takes a swing at resolving the inconsistency issues that scientists face in their research by gaining answers on sample quality—its similarity to other batches, concentration, purity, and functionality. Having this info gives researchers the confidence in the quality of their material, and this leads to getting more consistent and reproducible results.

Read more about Tycho and the other winners here.