Learn and gain detailed insights into Monolith X, Andromeda X, and Prometheus Panta.
Experience these technologies first-hand by testing samples during the hands-on session.
Discuss your own projects with experts and discover how scientists in your area have implemented the technologies successfully in their research.
Introduction from Merck KGaA
Dr. Ansgar Wegener & Dr. Nina Grossmann, Merck Healthcare KGaA
Get to know NanoTemper Technologies
Dr. Stefan Duhr, Co-Founder and CEO of NanoTemper
Discover NanoTemper’s latest instruments: Monolith X, Dianthus, and Prometheus Panta
Dr. Arpita Kundu & Dr. Hanna Kratzat, NanoTemper Technologies
Dianthus: explore Spectral Shift
Dr. Ulrike Bode & Dr. Nina Grossmann, Merck Healthcare KGaA
Coffee break and opportunity for networking
Explore how Prometheus Plex advances ADC development work
Dr. Jason Tonillo, Merck Healthcare KGaA
Monolith X: learn about Spectral Shift’s role in the study of protein degradation
Dr. Fiona Sorrell, Merck Healthcare KGaA
Prometheus Panta: learn of its contributions to antibody development
Lunch break
Live demonstrations on Monolith X and Prometheus Panta & measurements of samples for pre-registered attendees (optional)
Anyone working in the field of biological research dealing with proteins and biomolecular interactions.
February 19, 2025
Merck KGaA
Darmstadt, Germany